Wednesday, February 18, 2009

KRYPTO-NATE!! Nate Robinson Wins Sprite Slam Dunk Contest

In order to beat defending Sprite Slam Dunk champion Superman Dwight Howard, New York Knick guard and 2006 Slam Dunk Champion Nate Robinson had to break out the Kprytonite. Going to the locker room before the final round started, 5'9" Robinson came out with a green Knicks jersey, green ball, green Nike shoes and then proceeded to jump over the 7 foot Howard and dunk. This dunk pretty much nailed down and allowed flowers to be thrown on the coffin containing Howard's hopes of repeating. Then Lebron James decided to steal these boys shine and make it all about himself by declaring he wanted to participate in next year's contest in Dallas. First of all Lebron, let the contest actually end before making it all about you. Secondly, I watched you win the high school dunk contest and I have to say you had no creativity at all. I dare to say you won because of your name, and not the weak dunks you displayed. Guys like Howard, Robinson, and J.R. Smith have worked hard to bring this contest back from the dead, and we don't need you to help bring it back down. If you're coming, go to the lab and bring your A-Game!

Here's a highlight video of the contest: (Big props to the dunk by Rudy Fernandez that Pau Gasol bounced off the back of the backboard. Would have scored higher if it didn't take 10 attempts!)
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